Central Trust

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File:Central trust.jpeg
Central Trust and nearby businesses on North Third Street

The building that held the Central Trust, commonly known as the Trust Building was completed in 1908. [1] In 1903, the Newark Trust Co. was charted as the first complete bank in the county. The original building was torn down in 1985, and the bank was moved next door to the neighboring Hull Building. Plans were made to expand the building in 1986, adding an additional 16,000 square feet. [2] Construction was completed in February 1988. Central Trust was purchased by Banc One in 1991 and took over operations of the 20 Central Trust offices around Ohio. [3]


  1. Fugate, L. (1985, February 28). Newark to lose 'tallest' The Newark Advocate.
  2. Central Trust. (1986, December 16). The Newark Advocate, p. 14.
  3. Banc One buys Central Trust Co. (1991, January 16). The Newark Advocate.